Monday, February 06, 2006

Space Patrol!

This is weird! For years I have been convinced that I watched a TV programme in my childhood (early 60's), it was about a spaceship called Galasphere 347, the crew had a strange creature called a Gabblerdictum Bird. Yeah, I know!

Anyway, no-one that I spoke to remembered it. Whenever I mentioned it to someone of a similar age to me, hoping they would remember seeing it I always got the same reaction - in fact most people thought I was making it up or was barking mad.

I'd done a few googles in the past with no sucess. For some strange reason I tried searching for it today, don't know why I tried again but I did. I must have tried slightly different spellings or something because google came back with loads of results! Fantastic! So I'm not mad after all. OK well maybe not.....

So.... I'm not alone, there are quite a few people out there who remember the programme - the BBC even do a DVD!

Here's a picture of the crew and the Gabblerdictum bird aboard Galasphere 347 - and here's the dedicated site: Space Patrol. Yobba Rays to stun!